Education, in all its forms, is nearly if not as important as the air that we breathe, because of its biopsychosocial benefits for both individuals and communities at large. In the light of this, Baywood Foundation has undertaken the task of seeing that vulnerable persons in the communities have access to quality education through;

Sensitization: Through partnerships with relevant stakeholders, we conduct frequent community based sensitization programmes in sub-urban communities within Southeastern Nigeria with the ultimate aim of improving their knowledge on the importance of education, with a view to positively affecting attitude and practice of education for every child

Scholarships: Using standardized protocols and assessment tools; Baywood Foundation identifies indigent people in communities and offers educational scholarships from primary through tertiary institutions. Vocational training is also available for candidates who do not meet the selection crieteria for formal education scholarships.


Infrastructural Development: In a bid to improve learning conditions, Baywood Foundation has contributed to building of new classroom blocks and refurbishment of existing ones in some rural communities in Enugu State, Nigeria.

Man-power Support: In an educational system that is mainly challenged by qualified personnel, Baywood Foundation helps to cushion this effect by employing and paying salaries of teachers to enhance the pupils’ learning process.